December 23

December 23

Yaritza Padilla

When sophomore Yaritza Padilla opened herself up to true, authentic friendship at Notre Dame, she found a support system like none other.

“Away from my family, I realized I couldn’t only rely on them to care for me. Instead, I found friends who became like family. We support one another, celebrate each other’s strengths, respect our differences, and create a safe space to fully be ourselves. And, just like siblings, we may annoy one another from time to time — but no matter what, we will always love and uplift each other. My friends here understand me deeply — not just as a woman, but as a Latina woman navigating traditions and expectations.”

In this season of Advent, we reflect on how God’s love for each of us teaches us how to love in return. This extends not only to our family, but our friends as well. May we each take a moment today to pray endless blessings for our families and friends, knowing they pray the same for us.


  1. Bravo! Being vulnerable takes great courage. I am glad that you found that courage within yourself.

    Feliz Navidad.

  2. “God’s love for each of us teaches us how to love in return.” Indeed Yaritza, you got that one 100% right.What a wonderful, hope-filled and uplifting story…thank you. Sooo glad our Lady’s university can call you her own – Blessings to you, and Feliz Navidad!

  3. Thank you Yaritza. A so true reflection & beautiful smile. Ya es bueno❗️

    ND ‘72

  4. I LOVE the Sacred Stories of Notre Dame and am brought to tears many times when I listen to the testimonials of the students. Thank you for keeping me close to our Lord during Advent. My heart is touched as I read and listen to the many ways FaithND, through Christ’s direction, reaches me. From the holy season’s communication to the prayers in the grotto, I receive God’s holy word, and it keeps my faith strong. God Bless, Candace Gantt

  5. Yaritza,
    Thank you for your thoughtful reflection.
    I am still blessed with many friends from ND and Howard Hall.May Notre Dame,our Mother,continue to bless you and your friends on your journey.
    Jim Brady ‘72

  6. Dear Yaritza,
    I to have worries about finding friends thank you for giving me courage to know that I will. And thank you for being a wonderful role model! Feliz navidad !


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