Dan Hiltz ’74 M.A., ’79 Ph.D.
Reach out in faith with Dan Hiltz ’74 M.A., ’79 Ph.D., whose prayers for his active duty sons were answered in a tangible way.
“On that Saturday morning, after stopping by the Grotto and the Basilica, my wife and I walked across the South Quad to the stadium. We were near the old Law School location when a reflection of sunlight from an object in the grass caught my attention. I looked more closely and could see that it was a small metal object. Thinking it might be a coin, I picked it up. That’s when I discovered that it was a sterling medal dedicated to St Michael.”
In this Advent season, I hope that others may come to believe, as I do, that our Lord, along with Mary, the angels, and saints are listening to us, and all we need to do is reach out to them.
So touching. Thanks for sharing. God bless you and your beautiful family.
This is a very moving video. Thank you for posting this.
What a beautiful story
My father was a pilot in the army air corps & later USAF. He changed his middle name to Michael in honor of the archangel & always prayed to him. Clearly yours were answered too.
I have just recently met Greg and I was certainly impressed with his character. I can see now where he gets it from. Great story Mr. Hiltz.
So powerful. There are no coincidences in life, only “God-incidences “. Your finding the St. Michael medal certainly proves that point.
There are NO accidents. Important to stay and be present — signs abound!
Loved your story. Outstanding delivery and direct, simple message. I will remember this one and reach out as you suggest!
So moving and so helpful to me today. Thank you. You and your wife have a beautiful family. Thank you as well to these who have a heart for service for our Country. God Bless you.
Blessings to you and your wonderful family for sharing this story.
This reflection gave me chills. I believe in signs. Absolutely touching.
I’m hopeful that he continues to watch out for your sons and my grandson, who is a “Nuke” on the Harry Trumann carrier.
I can’t help but wonder if one of them may have been on board during my grandson’s 9 month tour last year.
My prayers are almost to Jesus’ mom; i figure i’m not worthy to pray directly to Him, but i’m confident He’ll listen to his mom. the grotto was my favorite place on campus.
Thank you and your sons for your service.
Countless stories like this is why Notre Dame is special even miraculously captivating.
Your story lifted me up. Much appreciated
Wow! Loved this sacred story. Totally believe this was a Godincidence. Thank you for sharing, and may St. Michael continue to intercede on behalf of your beautiful family.
Thank you for sharing. Our son graduated from ND in 2016 and was in Army ROTC. He is currently deployed to Romania. We, too, pray daily for him. Thank you for these words of encouragement. And thank you to your family for their service.
I too wear a St. Michael medal around my neck everyday. It keeps me safe and reminds of the blessings I have in my life. You, your sons and your entire family are reminders of what a special place Notre Dame is.
What an amazing snd beautiful story. I get goosebumps everyday I walk in campus as I am enveloped in God snd our Lady’s presence. Thank you.
God bless you for getting your sons to protect us. I am so glad Saint Michael has heard your prayers. I loved your story.Pat
Thank you for sharing this powerful and wonderful spiritual story. God bless your family and pleas thank your 3 sons for their service. Thank you, their dad, who along with St. Michael the Archangel, has their back.
What a beautiful story. Prayers of peace & joy to your lovely family.
Fantastic. I too do not believe in coincidences when it comes to matters of Faith. As a retired Navy fighter pilot with 24 years of service and combat experience on three continents, I KNOW the only way I made it this far is through Divine intervention…your wonderful story is yet again fitting attribution to God’s active presence in our lives.
What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing. It is amazing how we can find God in all things. May you and your family continue to be blessed by His love and caring.
I am a military wife and mother. There are special knotted “combat” rosaries that we give to soldiers, knotted rather than beaded so when they can be used without making any noise. When my daughter, Hayden ND 08, was in flight school, I received a dreaded call… that she had been in a helicopter crash and was rushed to the hospital .The time waiting to hear from the hospital was gut wrenching. Amazingly it was Hayden who called me to tell me she was fine . She then told me that the day prior while walking the flight line she had noticed something on the ground, a combat rosary. She put it in her pocket. She had the same uniform on the next day with the rosary in the pocket. She was absolutely convinced that our Dear Lady kept her completely from harm that day . ( I later learned that the helicopter was demolished in the crash). Whenever my husband, daughter, son in law and son deployed I always made sure they had their combat rosaries with them and I thank the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Mary and all the Saints for always bringing them home safe.
A beautiful story Dan. Thank your family for their service to our Country. Patrick ND’72
Thank you for sharing this great reflection! Love St. Michael the Archangel:). God bless☘️
Last night before going to bed my 7 yr old granddaughter asked me how to pray to St. Michael.
Thanks very much to you & St. Michael for your perfect timing. I will show her your confirmation this evening.
Notre Dame, our Mother, is always watching out for us. Thanks for sharing
Dr. Hiltz
What a powerful story of intercession. We began this beautiful month with our observance of All Saints and All Souls Days and as we bring a close to this month your story affirms the presence of the Saints in our lives. God Bless your sons and all who serve
Great share and thanks for your family’s service. We are a military family as well, husband AF veteran, and son currently in the Navy. I was the first St. Mary’s College Student to be commissioned at ND in the AROTC program back in 1979. I want to invite you to apply to the Quilt of Valor Foundation for your children to receive the quilt that is due to each of them for their service. There are local chapters and the quilters just love to meet and gift anyone who is serving or has been honorably discharged. The volunteers love to make and deliver these legacies. Sometimes we are blessed on earth AND in heaven.
God, Country & Notre Dame.
David Kelley
A friend of Notre Dame.
God, Country & Notre Dame
A very impressive and beautiful story. Very impressive family as well!!! May God bless each and every one of you now and during this Christmas season.
Goosebumps! Keep the faith!
Thank you, Dan. What a beautiful story. We, too, have 3 sons, so this story hit home for me. Thank you to your sons for their service, and to you and your wife, who sacrificed yourselves. Janine Gordley