December 3

December 3

TJ Walsh

A routine email check led to an unexpected connection, one that impacted junior TJ Walsh’s life and demonstrated the power of God’s guidance in ways he’d never imagined:

“On busy mornings, I usually skim the Gospel Reflection quickly, but on this day, I paused and took the time to read it. The writer of the reflection mentioned that she was an ER physician. As a pre-med student and an EMT deeply interested in emergency medicine, I was intrigued. I looked her up and found that Dr. Lauren Palladino, Class of 2012, was not only a pediatric emergency medicine fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia but also an associate fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, where I was participating in a summer program.”

In the season of Advent, our attention is drawn to those like Mary and Joseph, the wise men and the shepherds, whose faith, step by step, day by day, wove into the fabric of their daily lives, allowing God to guide them. Experiencing a similar moment at Our Lady’s University reaffirmed for me how deeply connected we are to one another through our shared belief in God’s guidance and love.


  1. Amen! Being aware of God’s guidance is key. It is everywhere if we take the time to pause.

  2. Beautiful, Thank you and blessings always.

  3. Love this for your willingness to reach out and Docs genuine reply and the spirit of cooperation to lift others up. You’re gonna be an amazing doctor, TJ!

  4. Beautiful reflection. Keep the faith as you move through life and care for countless men, women, and children!

    God bless.

  5. So well said. Our challenge is to believe that God is leading us always. Thank you

  6. Beautiful. Yes, God has a plan! We just need to open our minds and hearts.

  7. TJ, Thank you for Sharing, wish you all success in becoming a awesome Doctor. Being from Philly, The Children’s Hospital
    is a landmark in our Medical Field. God Bless you and Merry Christmas….Go IRISH!!!!

  8. Love the daily devotional

  9. Great sharing. Thank you

    ND ‘72

  10. Love this TJ-thanks for sharing and best of luck with your future plans:)

  11. At CHOP you enjoyed the double blessing of gaining experience and meeting those brave kids and their parents.

  12. What a tremendous demonstration on how a meaningful reflection of a few inspiestional wordd can build a connection that can motivate us to pursue our life’s purpose.

    Great job TJ from your great uncle TM Walsh.

  13. Beautiful reflection!

  14. I live in Philadelphia so I was excited to see “CHOP” in the video – best wishes to you for the future – keep the faith!!!

  15. Spectacular…though I think you taking the time that day to read the daily Gospel reflection wasn’t so much chance, as a small part of God’s overall plan to put you where you (and He) needed you to be…Blessings!


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