December 11

December 11

Connor Patrick ’23

Join graduate student Connor Patrick ’23 on a journey through the heart of Notre Dame’s Dillon Hall and the tradition of the Milkshake Mass.

“These virtual liturgies reminded me of being crowded together in the real Milkshake Mass and gave me hope that we would one day be back in person again. And now, as a graduate student serving on hall staff in Dillon, it is an honor to welcome visitors to Milkshake Mass through our front door each week. There is something truly special about being in the presence of students from the tri-campus community, especially through the sharing of Jesus’ true body and blood in the Eucharist.

“During Advent, we are asked to quiet our minds and hearts and recall God’s presence among us. Just like the Mass in Dillon Hall that sustained me throughout my time at Notre Dame, I know that in those moments of prayer, gathered together with family and friends, no matter what is going on in the world, all will be well.”



  1. I just would like to say that it warms my heart to know that Notre Dame is making better human beings.

  2. This story IS Notre Dame. For those of us who were fortunate enough to have been at Notre Dame, there is an unmistakable family atmosphere of love that permeates our heart and soul where the presence of God truly exists. If you’ve never visited Notre Dame, it awaits with open arms to embrace you forever.

  3. Creativity Abounds. Yeshua, help me feel and comprehend the true body and blood. Amen.

  4. Besides Milkshake Mass, I AM pondering the many creative titles; reminders and references for my Masses. True Sharing. Basic Bread is a title I just came up for a small Mass in an ecumenical home that I have had the privilege of attending for years.

  5. Thank you, Connor, for your faith. You are truly a Notre Dame man. Bless you and be well. Go Irish!

  6. Go Big Red….Connor, Thank you…Go IRISH!!!!

  7. Really cool. Thank you

    68-71 St Ed’s

    • A beautiful presentation…and very heart warming. The Hall has changed over the years from when I lived there in 1959-when it was Junior Hall.
      Our son was in Dillon all four years in the late 80s/90.There was always something special about Dillon Hall. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

  8. Connor, the quieting, peaceful and joyous celebration of prayer through Dillon’e Milkshake mass is precisely the kind of thing that makes ND so special. As a 1984 grad and legacy of ALUMNI Hall, I never got the chance to attend one, they didn’t exist back in those ancient times…
    And, of course, our legendary, spirited rivalry between halls would have complicated things, but perhaps not in this most important of things – our shared faith in our Savior. In any event, it’s all good – my son, Austin a 2017 grad, was…you guessed it – a Dillonite! That’s led to some interesting conversations over the years 🙂 So, in closing – for my son, “Go Big Red!”…and from me (delivered with all appropriate respect, and I’m sure you’d expect nothing less from an Alumni Dawg)…”Dillon S#$%s!” Continued blessings as you continue your journey.

  9. Thank you, Conner, for this story. Your commitment and service to Notre Dame students is inspirational.

  10. Hall Masses are simply the best.

    With or without milkshakes, there is always community, always prayerful thanks and requests, and always the Lord … gathered with us as He promised.

    Thanks Connor !!

    Oh, and by the way, Dillon still }*<|| !

  11. Connor, this is magical…what a place, what a community! My daughter is also a Mendoza grad student and I’m going to encourage Milkshake Mass! The best this holiday season.

  12. Regis Philbin and I were roommates in Dillon Hall.

  13. What a great reflection Connor. We did not have milkshake Mass at Dillon back in my days, but we had the last Sunday Mass on campus and there were so many great memories and friendships that flood back when I visit the Chapel. It’s one of the things that makes ND special and something so positive to ponder during this season of Advent.

    Go Irish and Go Big Red!

  14. Well said Connor. Thanks for sharing! I have fond memories of mass in the chapel. That is one of many things that makes Notre Dame a special place. “We’re all a bunch of bas….Dillon Hall, Dillon Hall Rah….” Dillonite ’87

  15. Way to go Dillon. Proud of you.
    Hope you’re still playing the organ.

  16. While we did not have Milkshake Mass in the 80’s, your attraction to Dillon Hall is something I can relate to. I transferred from Grace Hall as Dillon just seemed to be special. Sunday Night Mass was a standing room only and incredibly spiritual experience. Thank you for capturing the essence of this sacred chapel and Go Big Red!

  17. ES MUY IMPORTANTE DE CREAR Recuerdos de momentos do juntos añoramos tiempos de felicidad y amistad. Tradiciones son parte de nuestra cultura y querer recordar esos momentos que pasamos juntos y todo lo mucho que tenemos en común

  18. I am a 1969 graduate and was always in residence at north quad dorms but regularly attended mass during the week in the evening at Dillon Hall.
    It was a special place.

  19. Comment is above as follows: I am a 1969 graduate and was always in residence at a north quad dorm but regularly attended mass during the week in the evening at Dillon Hall–it was a special place.

  20. I really love serving as a liturgical minister at Milkshake Mass. It is the highlight of my week and a real source of light and hope for so many students!


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