Columba Hall: Chapel of Our Lady of the Seven Dolors
“So has the Lord done for me at a time when he has seen fit to take away my disgrace before others.” (Luke 1)
Our Advent pilgrimage today brings us to Columba Hall, the residence of the Brothers of Holy Cross, and its chapel which honors Mary as “Our Lady of the Seven Dolors,” also known as “Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows.”
In today’s Gospel, Elizabeth joyfully exclaims, when she hears the news that God has granted her a son, that the Lord has “taken away my disgrace before others.” Elizabeth proclaims the hope that we all have in our loving God: God wishes to turn all our sorrows to joy.
Mary’s own miraculous pregnancy will cause “a sword to pierce her heart.” But even though Mary knows that the child to be born will cause her suffering, this gift of a savior will eventually bring her—and all of us—the joy of the Resurrection.
Let us call to mind those dolors or sorrows that weigh on us today— how can God transform even these into joy?
What a beautiful reflection. Thank you, Brother Doug Roach for this deeply meaningful message of hope during the Advent season. God bless the Brothers of the Holy Cross and God bless everyone in the University of Notre Dame family for the constant love and compassion you bring to our community.
Brother Douglas,
It’s been many moons since your days of roaming the halls of Cathedral High School. Brings back fond memories as we get ready for our 50th reunion. Peace.
Brother Doug
From all your friends at Epiphany Justice and Peace it is a delight to see you and hear your voice. For all those meetings where we received your words of spitiual guidance, wisdom and even humor we offer our deepest appreciation. You are and will always be in our thoughts and in our hearts. We extend to you our prayers of good wishes and our desire that you have a very special holy season.
Dear Brother Doug: What a beautiful reflection! Hearing you brings to mind how wonderful and vital is the work and the spirituality of the Holy Cross Brothers. My dearest friend in Holy Cross was Brother Ludger Schaub. I met Brother Ludger at Casa Santa Cruz in Phoenix during my Holy Cross Associates year (1979-1980). He brought humility, spirit, joy, mechanical skills, savvy, humor, and street smarts to our lives and the lives of all he encountered. How wonderful it was to also discover “Camp” at Deep Creek through his eyes–seeing every tree he planted, meeting the pigs (always named) on a series of summers…what a blessing are the Brothers!!!
All the best, Brother Douglas!
Brother I’m a Hoban Holy Cross believer who stayed at Columbo on visit with former teacher
Br Thomas Dillman.
I daily say seven Hail Mary’s while reflecting on the seven sorrows w/o knowing the Chapel connection. Your reflection was a WOW of God’s calling.